
Discussions are a great way to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest comments on your projects.

What is a Discussion Channel?

Discussion channels are linked to your Projects. Each Project has its own Discussion. After you've created a Discussion for a project Ora will automatically display all the tasks in this Project that has comments and create a thread for them. The threads will be in descending order, and the tasks with the latest comments will appear on top. To keep things neat and organized, you can follow and unfollow discussion threads. You have two lists "Following" and "All" which allow you to see the most important threads with ease.

All project members will be members of the discussion as well. 

How to create a Discussion Channel

  • Navigate to Ora Chat and click on the "+" next to Discussion
  • Select a project and you're done! You will now see all the tasks with comments in your Discussion

Watch this 40 seconds video to learn more about the Discussions