I ❤️ Ora. This is an agile PM software which helps teams to collaborate on almost any type of project. Ora allows you to create to-do lists, timelines, Kanban boards, etc., and it has a clean customizable interface and an in-built chat to collaborate.
I think I've found the perfect set of productivity tools. Organizing projects / planning: @oratask Everything else productivity-related: @NotionHQ Designing whatever it was you used those first two for: @figmadesign
Crowning a Task Management System Champion🏆: I tested Todoist, Trello, Notion, and Ora. Ora won. The interface and seemless integration between app and browser were great, but the time tracking tool was the x-factor. 👏S/o to @oratask for enhancing productivity!
As a small business owner doing lots of freelance design work one of the important parts of project management is invoicing and getting paid. That is why I’m super excited when I heard @oratask is planning to integrate invoicing into their app. Can’t wait 😊.
@oratask, really really loving your PM suite. Thought I was still going to need to use excel, but nope. Just started; will report back in a week or so with more feedback.
Can't believe how cool @oratask is 😍. Finally a project management tool that feels like it was built by software developers. I think this will make coordinating model training and releases much easier for @spacy_io and our other libraries.
Wow! Adding chat collaboration, document feedback, and video calling into Ora? This will be an insane level of productivity.
@oratask I've tested 30+ different project management tools with no success in the last few weeks. Right now, we're still sticking with our Trello + Confluence combo. Just wanted to give you a holler and say, if you ever get a Wiki feature, we'll be customers! 😄
I won't say you're doing it wrong If you're using slack, zoom, jira, trello, monday, basecamp, asana, discord, teams, and meet. But there is a better way. Check out ORA 🔥
After intensive testing I am convinced of the #task #management and #team #collaboration app — @oratask. Easy and intuitive to use. The App meets the requirements of freelancers and agencies alike.
I am all about @oratask: Kanban, lists, pipelines, sprints, project views, Gantt charts, assignments, outside collaborators and clients, time tracking 🔥 Here’s a quick walkthrough 👇
If you're looking for an amazing project management tool, I highly suggest @oratask. The support is awesome 😉
Got to meet the CEO of @oratask the amazing @uFFOu today and learn more about the product our team loves to keep ourselves organized! #ora #taskmanagement #productivity #Kanban
Highlights for devs
Built for software
Collaborate on code with all the tools your software team needs for agile development .In one place - GIT, Time-Tracking, Chat, and more...
Close tasks with commit
Link a task to a commit or reference the task id from commit mesasge
Done with landing! Fix #OR134, Close #MRK42
Track time with commit message
SSO Integration #BKG342 +2h
Or just add a reference
Status screens progress #OR552
Immediately see new commits and diff
Track new commits across different branches in the commits sidebar. See the diff and changes directly in Ora without ever switching the app.
Markdown & Code highlight
Work the way you are used to! Share snippets, discuss code and write it in Ora so that you can communicate something code related in the best possible way inside a task or in Ora Chat. Full markdown support in task description and markdown stripped of headings support in comments and chat messages.
List action automations
Setup list action automations to Move, Assign, Label, change the State of the Task, and more without a single mouse click.
Better bug reports with Image and Video annotations
Image, PDF and Video commenting right inside the task.
Record a video or your screen directly from Ora.
How teams use Ora for
Product development
Start from a template, super fast. Or create your own workflow.
- Managementul Sprint
Planificați sprinturi, aranjați-vă backlogul, estimați punctele de poveste, creați epice și urmăriți progresul echipelor dvs. în timp real cu burndown sprint și alte widgeturi live
- Lansări de produse
Lansați cu ușurință noi produse și actualizări, menținând toate echipele pe aceeași lungime de undă cu toate sarcinile și termenele limită. Volumul de muncă al echipei și calendarul vă vor ajuta să planificați mai bine. Șabloanele de liste de verificare vă vor ajuta să copiați lista lungă de pași care trebuie realizați înainte de marea lansare.
- Colectați feedback-ul utilizatorului
Colectați și centralizați feedback-ul utilizatorilor, astfel încât să puteți lua decizii mai bune, să puteți itera mai repede și să vă țineți întreaga echipă la curent cu tendințele solicitărilor utilizatorilor.
- Urmărirea erorilor
Arhivați și urmăriți erorile, astfel încât să puteți stabili prioritățile și toată lumea să știe cine ce repară și când. Revizuirea imediată a codului de remediere care apare în sarcini datorită referinței sarcinilor GIT.
- Foi de parcurs pentru produse
Planificați-vă foaia de parcurs a produsului. Împărtășiți-o cu inginerii sau chiar cu utilizatorii, făcând-o publică, astfel încât toată lumea să știe în ce direcție vă îndreptați.
- Solicitări primite
Simplificați și standardizați cererile de lucru prin păstrarea lor într-un loc central. Creați cu ușurință sarcini din mesajele de chat și prioritizați solicitările pentru a vă ajuta echipa să creeze produse mai rapid.
Agile suite
done right.
Built-in epics, sprints, story points and reports.