Each month we highlight new features, improvements and bug fixes...
New Design
Don't worry it's nothing drastic, Ora layout is still the same it's just some UI elements that will look better. Mostly popovers and dropdowns. Ora home page also has been updated.

New Features
Custom list, task and comment privacy – If you have your clients as observers in your project or you maintain public projects you will love this one! From now on Ora allows you to turn ON advanced privacy and choose which list, task, and comment is visible by your team members only. This means you can exclude observers and public members from some sensitive information. Or you can have a private conversation inside a card.
You can also hide timers and time estimates from non-team members if that is something you wish to do.

Here are some use cases:
1. Your client is asking something inside a task but you are not sure how to respond. You can privately mention someone in a comment inside a task and have a private conversation about that. Then you can respond accordingly to the client.
2. Private comment inside a public project. For example, you notice a suggestion has more likes than other ones and you start a private conversation with your team to bring their attention to that.
3. You keep a semi-private, semi-public project. Some of the lists in your project are private but when tasks are done you move them to a public list so that everyone can see them.
Email notifications – You can now receive all the notifications from Ora as an email. Go to profile > notifications to turn them ON and to choose which types of notifications you want to receive.

Navigate tasks in a list with keyboard – Once you open a task you are able to use left/right keyboard arrows to open other tasks in this list. Particularly useful if you have a review list with a bunch of cards inside that you can approve or reject. Furthermore, it works in conjunction with filters. For example, you wish to see your tasks in a list in more detail. Click on your avatar in team members, open the first task and you can use the right arrow to see all other tasks on this list.
Show/Hide task activity – you can now toggle task activity if it's getting in your way or you only wish to see task comments.
Task repeat – due date 0 now works and will add a due date for "today" to the repeated task. We also added some missing activity and notifications to the Due Date.
Attachments icon and number have been added list and board cards
Past Due in "plan my week" now have due dates visible.
Attach multiple files - Works both by selecting or dragging.
Bug Fixes
Fixed Edit kanban card layout is visually broken
Fixed Occasional wrong date in tooltip in task activity
Fixed Timer "stop and move task" sometimes moved it to the first list.
Fixed Cards in public projects cannot be opened if member is not logged in
Fixed Invite unregistered member by email in "create new project" is not working.
Fixed Wrong list order in task > move to... and duplicate...
Fixed Mentioning doesn't work on new task modal from projects screen
Fixed Report timezone
+ lots of other small bugs
This is all for now. Send us more feature requests! What does your team really need?
And as always, stay productive!