October update: Epics, List actions, open/closed lists, task types and more!

October 9, 2017

Each month or two we highlight new features, improvements and bug fixes...

New Features

Open/Closed/Review tasks in the same list – Probably one of the most requested features so far, frequently reported as a bug as well as a feature was the ability to have open and completed tasks in the same list.

Open/closed in same list

The default behavior so far was for a task to go from left to right and follow a pipeline workflow. You can now disable this from project settings. When you complete a task, it will just be marked as such.

Open closed tasks in same list settings ora

Epic tasks – We are bringing new task types to Ora and one of those is the epic task type. What is this? Well...According to the agile methodology, an Epic is a large body of work that you need to break into stories. And the stories you need to break into actionable tasks. In other words, epics are very big tasks that you need to break into subtasks. To make this work we made a parent-child task relationships available. Once you create a card of type "Epic" you will be able to add subtasks directly inside the epic task, choose a color for the epic and see progress.


And just for fun and to be a little bit more epic, epic tasks have a color that can be seen inside on the top bar and on the list and kanban view as a stripe on the left of the task. This should help you find your epic tasks more efficiently..

Epic tasks

List Actions – Want to automate your lists? Well, now you can. Attach actions to your lists and choose what happens to new and moved cards in this lists. Assign, unassign, add or remove labels and change card status. Remove due dates. Start or stop a timer. Move to another list or project.
We are working on two more: Send email, change card visibility. (but those features are not ready yet)

List Actions

Custom Task Types – The new default task types are Feature, Bug, Chore, Story and Epic, but the best thing is that you can create your own and even disable some of the defaults if you need to.

Custom Task types

To edit task types make sure you have task types enabled in project settings > features and visit the task types tab in project settings

create new task types

ora now supports g-suite

Google Login and G-Suite – No matter if you have a g-suite team or you are flying solo now you can login with Google! G-suite admins will be shown an interface which they will be able to use to invite specific teams and members from their organization. This is a life saver for big teams!

Google Drive – Probably the best part of being able to login with google is the ability to add attachment from your drive. What's even better is that if you update/overwrite a file it will update in Ora as well. This means you can attach a design or a document only once and it will be forever up to date! Sweet :)

Google drive task management

Milestone Release Notes – Are you getting the most out of the milestone feature? Now it has another use. It will generate release notes for your version, sprint, marketing goals or whatever you are using your milestones for.

Milestone release notes

Export time as CSV – Lots of you asked us if they could export time from a task or reports for a specific time range. Now you can! Just go inside a task or choose any time report – member, organization or project and hit the download button.

Milestone release notes

This is all for now. Send us more feature requests! What does your team really need?

And as always, stay productive!