Here it comes, the November update! (Originally dubbed the October Update but that never happened so we had to rename it, oh well at least we are ambitious)
Task Relationships 2.0
Task relationships are one of the best Ora features, so we spent some time optimizing and improving it.

- See the view and list of each subtask
- Ability to switch relations by merely dragging
- See total time, estimate and story points of related tasks
- Option to hide completed subtasks
- Right-click quick actions menu for related tasks
- Improved Add Task Relationship modal
Watchers 2.0
Notifications are an essential part of keeping everybody up to date with the project. We build 4 things to make sure the right people receive the proper notifications.
Watchers List - A Watcher is a person who receives notifications regarding a specific task's updates. Now it is possible to add other people as watchers beside yourself. This is super helpful if you want to make sure someone receives updates.

Watch an entire list - Sometimes what you really want is to watch a whole list, not just single tasks. Let say you are the person responsible for the "QA" list, for example. Or maybe notify your client of tasks that are done? So what you really need is to receive a notification each time a card is moved or created in a specific list. Well… now you can Watch lists or make other people Watch them and get task update notifications.

The “I am Watching That” Icon - All these watching options make it even harder to know which tasks/lists are you watching. We added a small “Eye” icon on those to help out with that.

Automatically watch tasks in which you comment / are mentioned - Wouldn’t it be great if you don’t have to click anything and just watch all the right tasks? We added 2 new options in your account settings and now there are a total of three auto watching options. You can turn them off of course. Here they are:
- Watch created tasks
- Watch when mentioned
- Watch on commenting
Task/Comment from Email
Spending hours in your inbox? We've got you covered! Tasks and comments in Ora can now be emailed. Your project will have a unique email address. Each list and Task will have their own email address. And best of all, by replying to an email, you are writing a comment in Ora.
You can assign a task using this syntax => @username The subject becomes the title, the body becomes the description, and all attachments will be attached to the card.
To summarise:
- Email a task to a specific project
- Email a task to a specific list
- Add a comment by replying to a notification or by using the particular task email address
Self Hosted Gitlab
Finally, teams with self-hosted Gitlab will not feel left behind.
Other improvements
- Agenda Hotkeys - Broke that and now we are fixing and improving it
- Toggle Subtasks Visibility in Projects with Task Relationships
- Move Timers with the Task when a Task is moved
- Hide all current Comments From Public and Observers (Button)
- Lots of bug fixes