January Update: Global Search, Public API & Dark Mode 2.0

January 16, 2020

We start the year strongly with Global Search, Public API and Dark Mode 2.0, finally we fixed the dark mode in Ora and added full app coverage, but first a joke:

Why do programmers prefer dark mode?

Cause light attracts bugs.

Dark Mode 2.0 🌙

What an amazing year it has been for Dark Mode all around the web and desktops. Our first attempt at a dark mode in the begging of the year did not cover the entire app, had poor contrast and was a bit disappointing. This sounds like a bad thing but actually motivated us to try harder and give our best. Checkout the Dark Mode 2.0, one of the best dark modes you will ever find in a task management/producticity app!


  • Entire app is supported: Timeline, Agenda, Reports, Settings
  • All app UIs supported: Popups, modals, etc...
  • Improved contrast, tested during both day and night (Rust)
  • 3 Dark themes to choose from

Global Search 🔮

Introducing Quick Search: A very fast way to find projects, tasks, files, comments and checklists in Ora. Just use the hotkeys to open it and find whatever you want inside your Ora projects.

Use F, /, ⌘ + shift + F, ctrl + F to open Quick Search


  • Find projects, tasks, subtasks, checklists, documents, comments in Ora fast!
  • Saved searches
  • Improved contrast, tested during both day and night (Rust)
  • Grouped by type + the ability to load more

Public API 😱

We are opening a huge part of our API to the public.

1. Make an OAuth app

- Go to your organization preferences > applications
- Create an OAuth app

api.ora.pm">2. Go to api.ora.pm

You will find a list of all currently supported calls as well as what response you will receive for each one. If you are unfamiliar with swagger you are able to add your api key and secret and test all calls.

Link to help article

3. Join us on spectrum

Join us on http://spectrum.chat/ora/public-api for API help, suggestions or just to share what you are working on.

The future of the Ora Developers Program

At the moment what we have is a REST API with OAuth2 End-user authorization protocol. This is the beginning and an important milestone. We are looking forward to adding webhooks, as well as some way to show your apps in the Ora interface and to enable them as Add-Ons in Ora projects.

Other improvements

  • Project top bar and multiple select bar improvements
  • Reorder milestones + additional milestone stats
  • Lots of bug fixes