
vAugust, 5th 2020July 25, 2024


Agenda - added Time & Story Points

  • Tracked Time, Estimated Time, Story Points, Completed Story Points, and Business Value are now visible in the Agenda
  • Hover your mouse over the date, e.g "

Public Project Template

  • Project Templates can now be public.
  • To create the template public, go to your Organization's Settings > Templates and click on the "Private Button."
  • To see and search for Public Templates, start creating a project and click on "Public." Then you can browse and search for Public Project Templates. They're ordered by use count.

Unfurl Links

  • Updated how links appeared in task modal - they now show more information and look cooler!

Watch on assigning

  • Added an option in Account Settings > Preferences that allows you to watch tasks when assigning a member to it


Sprint Changes

  1. The sprint commitment points now have 3 numbers (instead of 2).
  • Effort completed during the Sprint
  • Commitment at the start of the Sprint
  • Current points inside the Sprint (new). This number only
  1. Added Sprint Activity and Story Points & Business Value activity in the task history. Now you can see when the Sprint was started when story points were added to the task and when they were completed. We believe this will help you better understand why there are missing points in the Sprint, or why there are excessive points.
  2. Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Sprint to have more commitment at the start of the Sprint than achievable.

Improved email forwarding

  • Assign member & add labels via sending or forwarding an email to Ora
  • Fixed forward description truncate

  • Load Task Templates - you can now use Task Templates on already created tasks.
  • Added Sign in with Apple
  • Added Story Points, Labels, and Global ID to Project Export
  • Added Links to Task Template options to save
  • When Labels are collapsed the name is displayed when you hover your mouse over the label
  • Added Zoom In/Out for Desktop apps - Command/Control plus "+" / "-"
  • Added warning when trying to add new Email Alias and the email is already taken
  • Archiving tasks when filters are active now has a live update
  • Improved warning message when deleting Organization / Project.


  • HOTFIX: When deleting a view and this view has been your last view the app crashed when you closed the Project Settings -- fixed
  • HOTFIX: Fixed a bug that didn't allow you to upload a custom background to projects
  • HOTFIX: Commenting on public projects now works properly
  • HOTFIX: Fixed a bug with email to comment
  • HOTFIX: Fixed email to comment
  • Fixed a bug that didn't allow you to reorder checklists
  • You can now create Task Templates after editing a task without having to refresh
  • Related task order views are now shown in the correct order
  • Fixed a bug that didn't allow you to close tasks with "ESC."