Effortless Time Tracking for Teams

Seize control of your
team's productivity

Effortless time tracking for projects. Know where every moment goes, illuminate your workday, and choose clarity over the dark unknown. Free for teams up to 10 members.

Time tracking with Ora


Trusted by amazing teams all over the world

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Work Timers by Ora - Track billable time for clients or for productivity insights | Product Hunt

Gerenciamento de tarefas com controle de tempo

Temporizadores de 1 clique,
100% Claridade

Inicie seu foco e obtenha insights valiosos ao iniciar um cronômetro para as tarefas. Revolucione a conectividade da equipe com o Ora, onde a transparência encontra a produtividade. Graças ao Live Timers e ao Live Presence, você pode ver facilmente o que todos estão fazendo em tempo real. É a segunda melhor coisa a estar na mesma sala - aprimorando a colaboração e promovendo um fluxo de trabalho contínuo.

Estimativas versus rastreamento

Estimar tarefas e
apontar com precisão o rastreamento

Keep moving work forward and make it super easy for your team to focus on the work at hand. Kanban boards allow you to make different lists for different stages of your projects and identify bottlenecks in your process.

Day / Week view calendar events and time

Acompanhe o tempo exatamente onde estão os eventos e as programações do

Effortlessly track time simply by dragging, seamlessly aligning with your scheduled tasks and Google Calendar events. Sync your plans with tracked time, ensuring no meeting goes untracked. Reschedule tasks and events with ease, optimizing your schedule for focused, meaningful work.

Timesheet for easy input

Todos os benefícios do controle de tempo
, sem complicações.

We get it—tracking every timer stop isn't your priority. But accounting for your weekly hours is. Meet Ora's Timesheet: the effortless solution to input, review, and report task hours with just a few clicks per week.