I ❤️ Ora. This is an agile PM software which helps teams to collaborate on almost any type of project. Ora allows you to create to-do lists, timelines, Kanban boards, etc., and it has a clean customizable interface and an in-built chat to collaborate.
I think I've found the perfect set of productivity tools. Organizing projects / planning: @oratask Everything else productivity-related: @NotionHQ Designing whatever it was you used those first two for: @figmadesign
Crowning a Task Management System Champion🏆: I tested Todoist, Trello, Notion, and Ora. Ora won. The interface and seemless integration between app and browser were great, but the time tracking tool was the x-factor. 👏S/o to @oratask for enhancing productivity!
As a small business owner doing lots of freelance design work one of the important parts of project management is invoicing and getting paid. That is why I’m super excited when I heard @oratask is planning to integrate invoicing into their app. Can’t wait 😊.
@oratask, really really loving your PM suite. Thought I was still going to need to use excel, but nope. Just started; will report back in a week or so with more feedback.
Can't believe how cool @oratask is 😍. Finally a project management tool that feels like it was built by software developers. I think this will make coordinating model training and releases much easier for @spacy_io and our other libraries.
Wow! Adding chat collaboration, document feedback, and video calling into Ora? This will be an insane level of productivity.
@oratask I've tested 30+ different project management tools with no success in the last few weeks. Right now, we're still sticking with our Trello + Confluence combo. Just wanted to give you a holler and say, if you ever get a Wiki feature, we'll be customers! 😄
I won't say you're doing it wrong If you're using slack, zoom, jira, trello, monday, basecamp, asana, discord, teams, and meet. But there is a better way. Check out ORA 🔥
After intensive testing I am convinced of the #task #management and #team #collaboration app — @oratask. Easy and intuitive to use. The App meets the requirements of freelancers and agencies alike.
I am all about @oratask: Kanban, lists, pipelines, sprints, project views, Gantt charts, assignments, outside collaborators and clients, time tracking 🔥 Here’s a quick walkthrough 👇
If you're looking for an amazing project management tool, I highly suggest @oratask. The support is awesome 😉
Got to meet the CEO of @oratask the amazing @uFFOu today and learn more about the product our team loves to keep ourselves organized! #ora #taskmanagement #productivity #Kanban
Najważniejsze informacje dla deweloperów
Zbudowany dla oprogramowania
Collaborate on code with all the tools your software team needs for agile development .In one place - GIT, Time-Tracking, Chat, and more...
Zamykanie zadań za pomocą commitów
Powiązanie zadania z commitem lub odwołanie do id zadania z siatki commitów
Koniec z lądowaniem! Napraw #OR134, zamknij #MRK42
Śledzenie czasu za pomocą komunikatu commit
Integracja SSO #BKG342 +2h
Albo po prostu dodaj odniesienie
Ekrany stanu postępu #OR552
Natychmiast zobacz nowe commity i diff
Śledź nowe commit'y w różnych gałęziach na pasku bocznym commits. Zobacz diff i zmiany bezpośrednio w Ora bez konieczności przełączania aplikacji.
Markdown i wyróżnianie kodu
Pracuj w sposób, do którego jesteś przyzwyczajony! Udostępniaj snippety, dyskutuj o kodzie i pisz go w Ora, aby móc przekazać coś związanego z kodem w najlepszy możliwy sposób wewnątrz zadania lub na czacie Ora. Pełna obsługa markdown w opisie zadania oraz obsługa markdown pozbawionego nagłówków w komentarzach i wiadomościach na czacie.
Lista automatyzacji działań
Skonfiguruj automatykę działań na liście, aby przenieść, przypisać, oznaczyć, zmienić stan zadania i więcej bez jednego kliknięcia myszką.
Lepsze raporty o błędach z adnotacjami dotyczącymi obrazów i filmów
Komentowanie obrazów, plików PDF i wideo bezpośrednio wewnątrz zadania.
Nagraj wideo lub swój ekran bezpośrednio z Ora.
Jak zespoły używają Ory do rozwoju produktu
Zacznij od szablonu, super szybko. Albo stwórz swój własny przepływ pracy.
- Sprint Management
Plan sprints, groom your backlog, estimate story points, create epics and track your teams progress in real time with sprint burndown and other live widgets
- Product launches
Launch new products and updates with ease by keeping all teams on the same page with all tasks and deadlines. Team workload and timeline will help you plan better. Checklist templates will help you copy long list of steps that need to get done before the big launch.
- Collect User Feedback
Collect and centralize user feedback so you can make better decisions, iterate faster and keep your entire team up to date with user request trends.
- Bug Tracking
File and track bugs so you can prioritize and everyone is knowing who is fixing what and by when. Immediately code review the fixes which show in the tasks thanks to GIT task referencing
- Product Roadmaps
Plan your product roadmap. Share it with your engineers or even your users by making it public, so everyone knows the direction you are headed.
- Incoming Requests
Streamline and standardize work requests by keeping them in a central place. Easily create tasks from chat message and prioritize requests to help your team build products faster.
Agile suite
done right.
Built-in epics, sprints, story points and reports.

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