Learn Ora

Obejrzyj i naucz się Ora w zaledwie kilka minut.W tym demo na żądanie omawiamy wszystkie podstawy. Kliknij dowolny temat po lewej stronie, aby przeskakiwać między nimi.

  • Basics
  • Introduction
  • Organization Settings
  • Project essentials
  • Task essentials
  • Watchers & Notifications
  • Task additional information & Tips for creating tasks
  • List options & Multiple select
  • Project sidebar
  • Archived tasks
  • Project settings
  • Intermediate
  • Introduction
  • Repeating tasks
  • Task templates
  • Project templates
  • List view
  • Story points & Business value
  • Project views
  • Sprints
  • Custom Fields
  • Checkboxes on cards
  • Task IDs
  • Milestones
  • Task Types
  • Task Relationships
  • Time Tracking
  • Reports
  • The Agenda
  • Timeline
  • Advanced
  • Introduction
  • Observers
  • Task, time & comment privacy Add ON
  • Slack Integration
  • GitHub, Bitbucket & Gitlab Integrations
  • Google Calendar & iCal Integrations
  • Zapier Integration
  • Webhooks
  • Ora Shortcuts
Ora is a versatile project management tool designed to facilitate team collaboration and organization of tasks, suitable for teams of all sizes. It provides a hierarchy system, with the Organization at the top, where users can create detailed tasks and projects, and it is recommended to operate within a single Organization unless managing different companies.