I ❤️ Ora. This is an agile PM software which helps teams to collaborate on almost any type of project. Ora allows you to create to-do lists, timelines, Kanban boards, etc., and it has a clean customizable interface and an in-built chat to collaborate.
I think I've found the perfect set of productivity tools. Organizing projects / planning: @oratask Everything else productivity-related: @NotionHQ Designing whatever it was you used those first two for: @figmadesign
Crowning a Task Management System Champion🏆: I tested Todoist, Trello, Notion, and Ora. Ora won. The interface and seemless integration between app and browser were great, but the time tracking tool was the x-factor. 👏S/o to @oratask for enhancing productivity!
As a small business owner doing lots of freelance design work one of the important parts of project management is invoicing and getting paid. That is why I’m super excited when I heard @oratask is planning to integrate invoicing into their app. Can’t wait 😊.
@oratask, really really loving your PM suite. Thought I was still going to need to use excel, but nope. Just started; will report back in a week or so with more feedback.
Can't believe how cool @oratask is 😍. Finally a project management tool that feels like it was built by software developers. I think this will make coordinating model training and releases much easier for @spacy_io and our other libraries.
Wow! Adding chat collaboration, document feedback, and video calling into Ora? This will be an insane level of productivity.
@oratask I've tested 30+ different project management tools with no success in the last few weeks. Right now, we're still sticking with our Trello + Confluence combo. Just wanted to give you a holler and say, if you ever get a Wiki feature, we'll be customers! 😄
I won't say you're doing it wrong If you're using slack, zoom, jira, trello, monday, basecamp, asana, discord, teams, and meet. But there is a better way. Check out ORA 🔥
After intensive testing I am convinced of the #task #management and #team #collaboration app — @oratask. Easy and intuitive to use. The App meets the requirements of freelancers and agencies alike.
I am all about @oratask: Kanban, lists, pipelines, sprints, project views, Gantt charts, assignments, outside collaborators and clients, time tracking 🔥 Here’s a quick walkthrough 👇
If you're looking for an amazing project management tool, I highly suggest @oratask. The support is awesome 😉
Got to meet the CEO of @oratask the amazing @uFFOu today and learn more about the product our team loves to keep ourselves organized! #ora #taskmanagement #productivity #Kanban
Cum folosesc echipele de marketing
Începeți de la un șablon, foarte rapid. Sau creați-vă propriul flux de lucru.
- Διαχείριση εκστρατειών
Διαχειριστείτε εύκολα εκατοντάδες καμπάνιες από την αρχή έως το τέλος με το Ora.
- Στρατηγική μετάβασης στην αγορά
Η κυκλοφορία ενός νέου προϊόντος ή η επέκταση σε μια νέα αγορά δεν είναι ένα μικρό έργο. Η Ora μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει να βάλετε τάξη στο χάος.
- Λειτουργίες μάρκετινγκ
Επιβλέπετε το πρόγραμμα μάρκετινγκ ολόκληρου του οργανισμού σας, το σχεδιασμό εκστρατειών και τις ετήσιες δραστηριότητες στρατηγικού σχεδιασμού.
- Δημιουργία & παράδοση περιεχομένου
Σχεδιάστε το περιεχόμενό σας, δημιουργήστε μια νέα ροή εργασίας και παρακολουθήστε τα στοιχεία από το πρώτο προσχέδιο μέχρι τη δημοσίευση.
- Εισερχόμενες αιτήσεις
Εξορθολογίστε και τυποποιήστε τα αιτήματα εργασίας διατηρώντας τα σε ένα κεντρικό σημείο. Δημιουργήστε εύκολα εργασίες από το μήνυμα συνομιλίας και ιεραρχήστε τα αιτήματα για να βοηθήσετε την ομάδα σας να κατασκευάσει προϊόντα ταχύτερα.
- Διαχείριση εκδηλώσεων
Σχεδιάζετε και εκτελείτε επιτυχημένες εκδηλώσεις από την αρχή έως το τέλος. Διαχωρίστε το σχέδιο της εκδήλωσής σας σε στάδια, αναθέστε ημερομηνίες λήξης στις εργασίες και παρακολουθήστε την πρόοδο στο Χρονοδιάγραμμα.
managementul proiectelor
Colaborați cu
toată lumea într-un singur loc.
Aliniați-vă obiectivele, invitați clienții și părțile interesate și colaborați împreună la îndeplinirea sarcinilor pentru a realiza execuția strategiei finale. Treceți sarcinile prin faze, de la început până la sfârșit. Încărcați active, comentați imagini și videoclipuri și creați canale de chat suplimentare pentru echipa dvs. de marketing, acolo unde este necesar.
Vizualizați campaniile de marketing
Planificați-vă planurile cu Timeline. Desenați dependențe între sarcini și alegeți să vedeți mai multe proiecte în același timp pentru a urmări mai multe campanii în același timp.
Echilibrați volumul de muncă și
eliminați epuizarea
Pe linia de timp grupată în funcție de fiecare membru al echipei, puteți vedea cât de mult are fiecare membru pe cap și puteți planifica în consecință.
Oferiți feedback mai rapid
cu corectura
Comentați atașamentele în format PDF, video și imagine pentru a crea liste de verificare care pot fi puse în aplicare de către cel care a atribuit sarcina. Gata cu ghicitul! Adnotările vă ajută să spuneți exact ce vreți să spuneți, indicând direct o anumită zonă din atașament.
Oferiți feedback mai rapid
cu corectura
Agenda este un loc unic în care puteți vedea mai multe proiecte și sarcini ale mai multor persoane, repartizate în funcție de data scadentă sau de data programată, astfel încât să vă puteți concentra pe ceea ce urmează.
Simplificați comunicarea
Canalele de discuții unice ale Ora sunt o modalitate prin care puteți fi mereu la curent cu toate comentariile din cadrul sarcinilor din cadrul proiectului de campanie.
Vedeți într-un singur loc tot ceea ce lucrează echipa dvs.
Gratuit pentru totdeauna până la 10 membri