Leren van Ora

Bekijk en leer Ora in slechts een paar minuten.In deze demo op aanvraag behandelen we alle basisbeginselen. Klik op een onderwerp aan de linkerkant om ertussen te springen.

  • Basics
  • Introduction
  • Organization Settings
  • Project essentials
  • Task essentials
  • Watchers & Notifications
  • Task additional information & Tips for creating tasks
  • List options & Multiple select
  • Project sidebar
  • Archived tasks
  • Project settings
  • Intermediate
  • Introduction
  • Repeating tasks
  • Task templates
  • Project templates
  • List view
  • Story points & Business value
  • Project views
  • Sprints
  • Custom Fields
  • Checkboxes on cards
  • Task IDs
  • Milestones
  • Task Types
  • Task Relationships
  • Time Tracking
  • Reports
  • The Agenda
  • Timeline
  • Advanced
  • Introduction
  • Observers
  • Task, time & comment privacy Add ON
  • Slack Integration
  • GitHub, Bitbucket & Gitlab Integrations
  • Google Calendar & iCal Integrations
  • Zapier Integration
  • Webhooks
  • Ora Shortcuts
Ora is a versatile project management tool designed to facilitate team collaboration and organization of tasks, suitable for teams of all sizes. It provides a hierarchy system, with the Organization at the top, where users can create detailed tasks and projects, and it is recommended to operate within a single Organization unless managing different companies.