Introducing Ora 5: Revolutionize Your Workflow and Collaboration
Dive into a sleeker design, enhanced workflows, unified sidebar for seamless navigation, and much more. Transform how you work with our new features designed for peak efficiency and collaboration.

October's Update: New States, Timer Views, and Powerful Filters
Unlock the latest enhancements in Ora's toolkit! Dive into revamped task states, innovative timer views, and powerful filters. Plus, discover the exciting launch of our Affiliate Program. Stay in the loop and stay productive!

August update: Refactoring
This release prioritizes addressing technical debt over introducing flashy new features. Nonetheless, we've skillfully incorporated enhancements like task grouping by date and an array of other meticulous refinements and fixes.

Google events and the new Agenda
Introducing Google events and the new Agenda

Ora 4 - A big step forward
Introducing version 4

Mobile apps update: Agenda, Filters and Multiple select
Amazing news! Ora is now free for up to 10 users!

June Update: Bigger free teams and lots of improvements
Amazing news! Ora is now free for up to 10 users!

Timeline, Milestone improvements and a big surprise!
Is this real? Mobile apps? Yes it is! Just in time for the official Ora 3 release.

Mobile apps and Ora 3 Official release
Is this real? Mobile apps? Yes it is! Just in time for the official Ora 3 release.

Ora 3 Beta, remote, but closer to your team then ever
Everything's gonna be Ora-ight: Chat with you team and jump on a video call straight from Ora. Take advantage of the new project filters and the new task look.

How COVID-19 Affected Digital Marketing
Learn all new marketing trends. Choose the right marketing strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic, boost your SEO; digital marketing is becoming more important than ever.

December Update: Custom Fields
Ora features update: Boost your productivity with Custom Fields. Read this article to learn all about Custom Fields

How to Optimize Supply Chain Management with Big Data
What is big data why it is so important?. How to take advantage of it to optimize your supply chain and improve your relations with your customers?

How Project Management Software Can Improve Employee Effectiveness
Employee effectiveness and how to improve it! This article will teach you how to make your employees more effective in 2022 with a little help from a project management tool.

Tips and Advice How to Be A Successful Project Manager
How to become a successful project manager? This article will point you the 5 most important things you need to learn, to become a successful project manager.

5 Phases Of Automated Project Management
Automated project management explained! What are the 5 steps of phases of automated project management?

Everything About A 5-Step Management System For Saving 10 Hours Per Week
What is time management? How to do it right and how to save 10 hours per week! Organize your time following these 5 tips!

7 Tips to Write a Project Management Report
Why project management reports matter? What are project management reports and 7 tips when writing them

6 Problems With Virtual Project Teams (And Solutions)
What are the problems of remote teams in 2022, and how to handle them? This article provides solutions to the most common issues for remote teams in 2022.

How to Get Website Content from Clients
Easy and simple steps to get website content from clients/users in 2022! This article answers the question 'How to get website content from clients?'

5 Ways Workflows Are Beneficial To Projects
Learn how to boost your productivity in 2021! Why workflows can boost your productivity?

How Agile Project Management Differs From Traditional PM
Agile or Waterfall? What Agile is? What is Waterfall? What are the differences between Agile and Waterfall?

Why UI & UX > Features
Why UX is more important than features? Why UX and UI are important? Which one to choose?

7 considerations when writing an effective project management plan
7 considerations when writing an effective project management plan in 2022! Learn how to plan effectively!

How to do Scrum in Ora (The Right Way)
Learn how to implement Scrum in Ora (by the book) in 10 easy steps or less.

Meeting Deadlines When Everything on the “To-Do” List is Urgent”
Ever had trouble with having too many tasks overdue? Learn how to set your priorities and achieve them in time! Meet you deadlines now!

June update & more
Task Templates and updates in the past months!

February Update: 2FA, No Signup for Observers or Visitors, Duplicate checklists!
Two Factor Authentication, Magic-Link, Comments and votes without Sign UP!

OKRs vs. KPIs: What are the differences?
What is OKR? What is KPI? OKRs vs KPI: How are they different? All answered. The only OKR vs KPI article that you’ll need!

January Update: Global Search, Public API & Dark Mode 2.0
Global Search, Major improvements to the dark mode with full app coverage. Access to our API for developers

8 Jira Alternatives To Try In 2022 (Free & Paid)
Looking for the best Jira alternatives? JIRA is a powerful software but just try these 8 free & paid jira alternatives in 2022.

5 Features That You’ll See Only In Ora.pm (And Nowhere Else…)
WARNING! Once seen... These 5 Ora features cannot be unseen. You would never look at your PM software the same way again! 5 features every project management platform should have!

17 Best Project Management Tools In 2022 [+ Free Software]
Looking for the best project management software for you team? Try these top 17 (free & paid) solutions of 2022 including alternatives to Jira, Trello, Asana.

What Are SMART Goals? (+6 SMART Goal Examples)
The ultimate guide to S.M.A.R.T goal-setting in 2022! Learn how to set SMART goals, how to write them, and how to actually achieve them.

What is Scrumban? [The Scrumban Guide In 2022]
The only Scrumban guide you’ll ever need! Learn how to implement Scrumban for agile software development including the tools and everything you need.

November Update: Task from Email, Watchers 2.0 and Task Relationships 2.0
Our latest update is here with exciting new features. Check it out!

5 Features Every Project Management Software Needs
Looking for the best marketing project management software in 2022? Look for unlimited file-sharing and especially #3 of the 5 key features!

Kanban vs Scrum vs Scrumban: What Are The Differences?
Which agile methodology to use? Ora project management compares Scrum vs Kanban vs Scrumban. This article answers the questions: What is Scrum? What is Kanban? What is Scrumban? How Scrum works? How Kanban works? How Scrumban works? Pros & Cons of Scrum. Pros & Cons of Kaban. Pros & Cons of Scrumban

Ora 2: Released
Ora 2 with brand new everything...

Introducing Ora 2
Ora 2 beta is here with Folders, Themes, Checklists 2.0, Project Templates and more...

September Update: Comments 2.0, Zendesk and Google Calendar
Attachments and markdown in comments, Zendesk, Google Calendar and more...

July Update: Sprints, views, reports 2.0
Sprints comes to Ora, bundled with new reports, views and more...

March Update: Desktop apps + performance
After many hours of work we bring you apps and better performance

January Update: Slack commands + stability
Slack commands, time and reports fixes and more...

December Update: Git integrations
Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab. Link commits, close tasks, add time and see all commits activity.

November update: Task privacy, new design and email notifications
Enable advanced task and comment privacy to your projects. Turn email notifications ON. All this and a bold new look!

Introducing Filters
Finally, we built the most requested feature - the ability to filter tasks.

October update: Epics, List actions, open/closed lists, task types and more!
The most epic update yet. We bring you epics, List actions and custom task types

Kevin William David interviews Ora's CEO
Kevin William David from Siftery interviewed Vasil Enchev, CEO of Ora to know more.

Optimising's Story: Moving from Asana
As much as the team despises every time I change a system or process, I can’t help trying out bleeding edge software. I’ve been looking for a replacement for our project management software, Asana, for a while. When I came across Ora, it seemed to tick all of the boxes for us.

August update: Task repeat, relationships, duplicate, github import, hotkeys and more!
Is one task blocking another? Now you can link tasks and set different dependencies between them. This and many more new things like repeat task and hotkeys await you August update

How to magnify your creative appetite?
Do you feel bored, ordinary and just like everybody else? Do you think that being creative means to draw in an outstanding manner, to sing in a breath taking manner or to be able to inspire the whole world in just 18 minutes TED talk?

June update: Fast tasks, labels and assignees
Quickly add task in any project from everywhere! Just hit N or Alt+N. Add assignees, labels and natural language due dates when creating a text simply by typing.

May update: Multiple selection and more...
Multiple Selection of Tasks, Jump to Task, Observers and more. Each month we highlight new features, improvements and bug fixes — this is our first update after our launch in April!

The Benefits of Time Tracking
Why to track your time? What are the benefits of time tracking? How tracking your time boosts your productivity? Why team reports are usefull?

Launched: Early Access
We'd like to thank you for your patience and support while Ora has been developed. Today, we're excited to announce that Ora has officially launched! (As early access)